Key Points
Source: “She’s [Ilhan Omar] The One Who Came Up with All This [Pay-For-Vote], the Community. She’s the One.”
Osman Ali Dahquane: “The Money Comes from the Candidates Running for office.”
Osman Ali Dahquane: “A Lot of People Will go to Jail If this Continues this way…If This Continues This Direction, Many People Will Go to Prison, Or No One Will Vote in the City of Minneapolis. It is very, very corrupt.”
Osman Ali Dahquane: “The Black Guy [Antone Meton-Meaux] Has Most of the Money…But, We Took the Money From Him, And We Voted for Ilhan…They [Ilhan Omar’s Political Machine] Spent A Lot Money. I Was Given Money, So I Could Vote…$800.”
Project Veritas Insider Omar Jamal: "Some of the Techniques that He [Omar Staffer Ali Gainey Isse] Uses To Exchange Money for Votes; And that’s Not A Secret. It’s Open, And Everybody Knows About It.”
Insider Omar Jamal: Ilhan Omar Operatives Escort Voters into Booths. “They Help Us [Voters] at the Voting Booth. They [Poll Workers] Allow Them To Help Us…They [Operatives] Go Inside With Us and Help Us…They [Operatives] Do the Voting.
[Minneapolis – Sept 29, 2020] In part two of an explosive exposé, a Minnesota-based source tells Project Veritas that the mastermind behind the rampant voter fraud scheme is Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) herself and her extensive political machine.

Staffer for Congresswoman Omar implicated
"Nobody would say that Ilhan Omar isn't part of this,” said Omar Jamal, a Somali community Insider and the Chairman of the Somali Watchdog group. “Unless you're from a different planet, but if you live in this universe, I think everybody knows it."
Jamal said Ali Isse Gainey, a senior Ilhan Omar staffer, is at the center of the vote-buying scheme.
Monday’s Project Veritas report implicated Ilhan Omar staffer Ali Gainey Isse and other Ilhan Omar operatives in conduct related to voter fraud, ballot harvesting, harvesting ballots from seniors and bribery, that is, exchanging ballots for cash and paying precinct managers and election judges.
“She's [Ilhan Omar] the one who came up with all this [pay-for-vote],” said one source who added. “She's [Ilhan Omar] the one, somehow. Nobody knew, but, yeah, this is something like new with Ilhan [Omar].”
Jamal Omar said cash for votes is an open secret in Minneapolis. "The techniques that he [Ali Isse] uses to exchange money for vote -- that's not a secret. It's, it's open, and everybody knows about it," he said. “$200, $300 per ballot received!”

Jamal said the Ilhan Omar operatives would go into the voting booth pretending to help the voter, and instead the operative does the actual voting.
A Minneapolis ballot harvester was recorded with a hidden camera describing how the
operatives make sure the voters vote correctly by walking into the booth with
the voter.
“They help us at the voting booth. They allow them to help us,” the ballot harvester said. “They go inside with us and help us, and they actually do that inside there.”
The ballot harvester said there is no confusion. The operatives doing the voting: “They
actually are the ones who vote, people don't usually -- they do the voting.”
In the Aug. 11 Democratic Primary, Congresswoman Omar’s opponent Antone Meton-Meaux reportedly paid for votes.
“The black guy [Meton-Meaux] has most of the money, but we took the money from him and we voted for Ilhan,” said Osman Ali Dahquane, a Minneapolis taxi driver involved in local vote buying schemes.

“They [Ilhan Omar operatives] spent a lot of money. I was given money so I could vote. I was given money so I could vote--$800,” he said.
When asked if Ilhan Omar paid for votes, Dahquane said, “Yes, but she paid the wrong guys.”
While he has previously profited from the pay-to-vote scheme, he acknowledges criminals haven’t been arrested or held accountable for their wrongdoings and until they are punished, he has no reason to fear.
“We don’t mind illegal,” Dahquane said, "If this continues this direction, many people will go to prison, or no one will vote in the city of Minneapolis. It is very, very corrupt. We are in trouble if they come after us. We are in big trouble if they come after us."
Ballot harvester connects to Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Shabaab
O’Keefe said, “Osman Ali Dahquane has a clear, blatant disregard for American’s
political process. He has no fear of his illegal actions -- so much so that he
casually mentions having to pay off Al-Shabaab, a.k.a. Al-Qaeda, to open a
business back home in Mogadishu.”

Dahaquane was recorded by a Project Veritas undercover journalist talking about his
hassles trying to open a business in Mogadishu—and the money he had to send to Al-Shabaab as part of the process.
“I sent it from my account. I sent Mogadishu $2,000 last night. Here is the receipt,” Dahaquane said. “I’m requesting a license to be issued at the Ministry of Interior. It’s very expensive. It cost me $2,000,” he said. “Still, I still have to pay Al-Shabaab to leave me alone--Al-Shabaab, they are demanding $1,000.”
Dahquane said when it comes to ballot harvesting, even the election judges are in on it.
Journalist: “Are the election judges themselves paid off?
Dahquane: “Yes.”
Legal Issues
Jered Ede, the chief legal officer for Project Veritas, said Mohamed and his confederates
may have violated both state and federal election laws, some carrying a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment as well as felony mail theft and bribery laws.
“The federal laws, 18 USC §597 and 52 U.S.C. §10307(c), are quite clear,” he said. “In the case of 18 USC §597, it is punishable by up to two years in prison and in the case of 52 USC §10307 it’s punishable by up to $10,000 in fines and up to five years in prison.”
The Minnesota statute, 211B.13(1) prohibits paying a person or receiving money to register to vote or to vote, he said. “This is a state felony punishable by more than one-year imprisonment.”
Beyond paying voters, there are also state and federal laws regarding intimidation of voters, he said.
“The federal laws 52 USC §20511, 18 USC §594 and 52 USC §10307(b) and the Minnesota statue 211B.07 law prohibit anyone from using undue influence threats intimidation or fraud to influence a person’s vote or to influence them to vote at all,” he said.
It's also a violation of federal law for anyone who votes for others illegally:
“The punishment under 52 USC §10307(e) also goes up to five years’ incarceration and
a $10,000 fine,” he said.
“In addition to those statutes, Minnesota has another statute, 211B.11(3), which makes it a misdemeanor to induce or persuade a voter to vote for or against a candidate, while transporting the voter to the polls,” he said.
A source told Project Veritas election judges also participated in the pay-to-vote
Source: We are taking the money and we’ll vote for you
Journalist: Are the election judges themselves paid off?
Source: Yes.Journalist: So, judges are given money?
Source: Yes, the judges are getting paid. They are corrupted.
A former campaign worker told a Project Veritas journalist that the pay-for-vote scheme is a vertically integrated operation.
Journalist: So, the people that work for [Ilhan Omar] are actually counting the ballots,
counting the vote?
Former Campaign Worker: And they become a manager, in the precinct too.
Journalist: And manage the precinct.
Former Campaign Worker: Yes. Progressives yes.
Journalist: So, they do all of it?
Former Campaign Worker: They do all of it. They do it all. They do all of it.
Jamal said Americans must fix all voter corruption before it is too late. “If the American people don't pay attention to what's happening, it is going to soon - the country will collapse,” he said. The regulations, if you ignore that and you let corruption and fraud become a daily business then tough luck, the country will not exist as they know it.”
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.