Officials at Cornell, Syracuse, and Yale Destroy U.S. Constitution

“Like I said before, it is a very flawed document and it is written by flawed individuals, – Elizabeth McGrath, Cornell University’s Lead Title IX Investigator
“I am happy to take it and shred it [the constitution] in my office.” – Jason Killheffer, Yale University’s Director, Academic Integrity Programs; Senior Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Award-winning journalist and New York Times’ best-selling author James O’Keefe released a troubling and powerful video showing officials at Cornell, Syracuse, and Yale Universities destroying the U.S. Constitution by varying means: at Cornell it was a shredder, at Syracuse it was a pair of scissors, and at Yale it was ripped apart by bare hands, all to protect “triggered” students who might have their feelings hurt.
In this video, following the earlier release of a Vassar College official shredding a Constitution, a Project Veritas journalist goes to Cornell, Syracuse, and Yale Universities to see if Vassar and Oberlin were anomalies, or if they were representative of today’s higher education. Sadly, the latter proved true as officials at all three school were all too willing to destroy the constitution.
As you can see in the video, Jason Killheffer, Yale University’s Director, Academic Integrity Programs; Senior Deputy Title IX Coordinator was asked on hidden camera about banning the constitution, his response: “I hope so, I mean, that’s – that would be like I said, my expectation is if someone were distributing or, you know, posting offensive materials, that the dean would – would listen to that and take some sort of action as appropriate, you know.” Ultimately, Mr. Killheffer decided it would be faster if he just ripped it up with his bare hands, which he did.
Elizabeth McGrath, Cornell University’s Lead Title IX Investigator, was caught on hidden camera telling a Project Veritas investigative journalist that: “Like I said before, it is a very flawed document and it is written by flawed individuals.” Ms. McGrath, proceeded to shred the constitution as if she were disposing of an email.
Sheila Johnson-Willis, Syracuse University’s Interim Chief, Equal Opportunity & Title IX Officer was captured on camera by our investigative journalist using a pair of scissors to cut up the constitution into little pieces.
“Using a shredder, scissors, and bare hands to destroy the U.S. Constitution, makes you stop and think: where did we go wrong?,” says Project Veritas President James O’Keefe. “In this latest investigative series we have been to 5 schools so far and the results have been frightening at each one. The totality of these schools, however, is the real threat. This is not an isolated incident, rather it is common practice, and that it is unacceptable.”
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Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.