BREAKING: Twitter Bans Users Under Pressure From Their Foreign Governments: “We Do That a Lot for China”

Conrado Miranda, Twitter Former Software Engineer: Twitter is “Constantly Under Attack” from Chinese Government and Hackers
Background: Twitter’s Terms of Service “Different in Each Country,” in China “the Chinese Government Agreed Upon”
(San Francisco) Another Project Veritas undercover investigation has revealed a former Twitter software engineer admitting that Twitter acts under the whims and pressures of foreign governments – notably China – by silencing and banning users at their request.
This video comes in the wake of three undercover videos inside Twitter by Project Veritas, exposing a senior network engineer admitting that Twitter will give Donald Trump’s personal DM’s to the DOJ, their unethical shadow banning tactics, and Twitter’s creepy “virtual profiles” of all of its users, which it sells to advertisers.
In the December 14, 2017 meeting, an undercover Project Veritas journalist asks Miranda if foreign governments pressure Twitter to ban certain people in their countries. Miranda initially tells the PV journalist that he “cannot disclose that information.”
PV Journalist: “So does the Chinese government or anybody, like, do you think they call Twitter and be, like, you need to ban anyone that’s on Twitter that’s from China? Do they do that?”
Conrado Miranda: “I cannot disclose that information.”
PV Journalist: “What? Why?”
Conrado Miranda: “I cannot disclose that information.”
PV Journalist: “That’s crazy. So, that means yes?”
Conrado Miranda: (Smiling) “I did not say that.”
Another Project Veritas journalist met with Miranda on January 1, 2018. In this meeting, Miranda opened up and admitted that Twitter does in fact ban people at the whims of foreign governments. He also reveals some of the pressures that China, in particular, puts on Twitter if they do not comply:
PV Journalist: “But like normally does Twitter, like, say if someone in Iran calls and is, like, hey, in our country we need these people banned so that they’re not seen.”
Conrado Miranda: “Yeah.”
PV Journalist: “That happens?”
Conrado Miranda: “Yeah. We do that a lot for China.”
PV Journalist: “Really?”
Conrado Miranda: “We are actually under constant attack from the Chinese. Like, both Chinese hackers, like, “good guys” and from Chinese government.
PV Journalist: “Wow.”
Conrado Miranda: “Because sometimes they ask us to take down an account, and we don’t take down, because we’re, like, at the end of all it, like, anybody say… And then the Chinese government, like, starts to try and hack us, and sometimes they point someone, or like yeah, we actually violated blah, blah, blah. And then…the good guys from China start attacking us. It’s a mess.”
While Twitter may be officially blocked in China, according to TechCrunch, it is estimated that “it’s service has around 10 million active users in China.” According to China EC Law, Chinese citizens access “Twitter via proxy networks.”
“This video begs the question – is Twitter even an American company? Do they really hold American ideals? Or is the idea of “free speech” just a marketing tool for them to harvest your data?” said Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe. “Jack Dorsey himself must respond, and take steps to increase Twitter’s transparency.”
Mr. O’Keefe has just completed a book about this series entitled “AMERICAN PRAVDA: My fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News.” The book is now available in book stores everywhere.

Pre-order James O’Keefe’s new book – a treatise on modern media, a true crime spy thriller, and a rollicking adventure story. Follow James and his undercover journalists as they expose mainstream media outlets like CNN and the New York Times and reveal dirty political tricks during the 2016 national elections.
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.