Zucker ATTACKS Giuliani: ‘From America’s Mayor to Useful Idiot…[Trump] is the One Who is Directing the Crazy Legal Team’ … ‘The Filth That They're Spreading, the Child Pornography[Allegations]. I Do Not Believe That We Should Be Covering Those Allegations'
Key Points
CNN President Jeff Zucker: “There is a term for what Rudy Giuliani is suspected of being which is ‘useful idiot.’”
Zucker: “On the Rudy Giuliani story, this is a really important story. It gets tied to the Hunter Biden email disinformation campaign.”
Zucker: “With regards to the filth that they're spreading, the child pornography [allegations] and all of that. I do not believe that we should be covering those allegations even if they're out there on Newsmax.”
CNN call participant: “If the NFL was running the government, then things would probably be in much better shape than they are.
James O’Keefe: “These tapes further prove that CNN’s executives are partisan hacks and not real journalists.”
[WESTCHESTER, N.Y. – Dec. 3, 2020] Project Veritas released a third batch of tapes from within CNN’s 9 a.m. calls today exposing the network’s strategy to undermine President Donald J. Trump and his election efforts.
“These tapes further prove that CNN’s executives are partisan hacks and not real journalists,” said Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe.
It is virtually impossible for the American public to take CNN’s reporting seriously after listening to these tapes, he said.
CNN President Jeff Zucker unloads on Trump’s legal team
During one of the 9 a.m. rundown calls Zucker went after Rudy Giuliani, the leader of the Trump legal team, and characterized his team as “crazy.”

In response to a CNN call participant’s comments, Zucker said, “Right, well, I think you raise a good point about not just pawning it off on the crazy legal team, but the client [Trump] is the one who is directing the crazy legal team.”
Zucker also referred to Giuliani as a “useful idiot.”
“On the Rudy Giuliani story, this is a really important story. It gets tied to the Hunter Biden email disinformation campaign. That's the way we do this because it's all tied and part-and-parcel of one. I know Washington is working on putting that all together,” he said.
Zucker lambasts those who treat Biden pedophilia stories as newsworthy
The outgoing CNN president said Newsmax was wrong to cover the “filth” that comes with stories on pedophilia.

“With regards to the filth that they're spreading, with regard to the child pornography [allegations] and all of that. I do not believe that we should be covering those allegations even if they're out there on Newsmax,” he said.
Zucker also had harsh words for Trump for tweeting about the topic. “The President of the United States has just retweeted a post accusing Joe Biden of being a pedophile to his 86 million followers which is just beyond,” he said. “You know it also is just unacceptable that the President of the United States is trafficking in this and doing it.”
He also said to his CNN employees not to assume that these sort of tweets from the president would hurt his approval rating among his supporters.
“Each of these so-called ‘scandals’ for Trump, each of these things -- we should just once again be careful to say that this is the one that is going to undo him with his voters,” he said. “We always think that, but we need to make sure we have a sense of what's going on out in the country and not just listen to Twitter.”
CNN call participant said the NFL would have better COVID-19 policies than Trump
One of the participants in a CNN 9 a.m. rundown call credited the NFL for having “better” COVID-19 policies than the current administration.

“As I was reading through the comments, Jim Acosta [was] talking to people in the crowd at the [Trump] rally last night, and obviously seeing all those pictures of no social distancing and very few people with masks on, et cetera. The contrast to the football game last night, where, lots of masks, people socially distanced,” he said.
“The whole plan in place to protect the fans, the players, the referees, the coaches, everybody, you know, Andy Reid wearing a face shield on the field and the NFL, you know, it's an example of like -- if the NFL was running the government, then things would probably be in much better shape than they are.”
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Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.