Spoiled Bucks County Ballots Found in Trash; Top County Election Official: ‘The Judge of Elections Didn’t Do It Correctly;’ Pennsylvania Law: Hold Spoiled Ballots for 22 Months
Key Points
Tom Freitag, the director of the Bucks County Board of Elections: “Ignorance? Not knowing, not understanding brand new law?”
Freitag: Spoiled ballots should not have been tossed.
James O’Keefe: Why isn’t anyone else covering these stories? “Where are the other reporters? Where is the police?”
O’Keefe: “Someone also ripped up the ballots by hand.”
[QUAKERTOWN, PA.—Nov. 8, 2020] Project Veritas journalists found eight-to-10 spoiled ballots Thursday set outside a voting site here in trash bags in violation of Pennsylvania and federal law.

James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas, said, “Our journalists found spoiled ballots that were supposed to be preserved—but, instead were thrown out with the trash.”
O’Keefe said spoiled ballots are supposed to be part of any recount.
“These ballots can’t be part of a recount, because they were tossed out with the garbage,” he said. “Not only were they tossed out, but someone also ripped up the ballots by hand.”
Tom Freitag, the director of the Bucks County Board of Elections confirmed to a Project Veritas journalist that the spoiled ballots should not have been tossed. “The poll worker should not have thrown it in the garbage.”
Journalist: “What reason would someone have to not follow the process?”
Tom Freitag: “Ignorance? Not knowing, not understanding brand new law?”
Journalist: “So, it is a detailed process in place?”
Tom Freitag: “Yes.”
Journalist: “And, this clearly shows that the process was not handled?”
Tom Freitag: “Yes, the—whoever was the judge of elections didn’t do it correctly.”
Pennsylvania law requires spoiled ballots to be held for 22 months after an election.
“We are getting thousands of calls from around the country about ballot and election irregularities, but this atrocity was discovered by our own journalists,” O’Keefe said. “Where are the other reporters? Where are the police?”
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