Pro-Transgender Medical Officials Admit Minors Being Transitioned Without Restrictions: ‘We Brought in Our Own Therapist to Write Our Letters to Rubber Stamp Surgeries’ … ‘We Do Not Provide Authorities Any Records’
Key Points
Perry Farhat, Administrative Director, Babs Siperstein PROUD Center: “We don’t care if you see a licensed therapist or not…We don’t require that at all. So, we brought in our own therapist to write our letters to rubber stamp surgeries.”
Farhat: “We do not provide the authorities any of our records.”
Farhat: “The [New Jersey] state government, [Governor] Phil Murphy, and even [former Governor] Chris Christie have been very supportive. Financially, the state has not given us anything, but they’ve recognized us multiple times which really helps us with our private -- our foundation building.”
Daniel Fernandez, LGBTQIA+ Health Navigator, Babs Siperstein PROUD Center: “We had a 14, 15-year-old who was still undocumented…She just started hormones as well.”
Receptionist, Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center [New York, NY]: “We deal with patients that come in at 10 [years-old]. They come in here by themselves.”
Prisha Mosley, De-Transition Advocate: “I actually didn’t need parental consent [for my gender transition]. My parents were just told that I was more likely to kill myself if they didn’t affirm me…but I didn’t actually need their consent.”
Mosley: “Anyone who says that you can change your sex is lying to you. It will never happen. You will be chasing constant drugs and surgeries for the rest of your life, attempting this fallacy, but it will never happen. All that will happen is you will be the same person with the same problems in a now mutilated body.”
[NEW YORK – Apr. 20, 2023] Project Veritas released a second video today exposing medical professionals who confirmed that children are being submitted to gender transitions without concern for legal restrictions that may be in place to prevent them.

A receptionist who works at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center stated that they “deal with patients that come in at 10 [years-old],” and that these children “come in here by themselves” for prospective gender transitions – raising the question of whether Mount Sinai even considers parental awareness and consent before proceeding with such a transition.
Perry Farhat, the Administrative Director for Babs Siperstein PROUD Center, said that his New Jersey-based medical institution does not take the therapist approval requirement seriously when it comes to moving ahead with transgender surgeries on minors.
“We don’t care if you see a licensed therapist or not…We don’t require that at all. So, we brought in our own therapist to write our letters to rubber stamp surgeries,” he said.
Farhat went on to admit that he is not worried about whether the individuals that are being transitioned are in the country legally.
“So, documented or undocumented, we do not turn down anybody,” Farhat said.
“We don’t ask about whether they’re documented or not. You know, it’s -- I don’t want to scare any of our patients away,” he said.
“You come right in. You don’t need a license. You don’t need anything. Whether you’re transgender, straight, gay, doesn’t matter, right? We do not look at that at all, and we do not provide the authorities any of our records.”
Daniel Fernandez, who also works at Babs Siperstein PROUD Center as a “LGBTQIA+ Health Navigator,” corroborated Farhat’s statements.
“We had a 14, 15-year-old who was still undocumented…She just started hormones as well,” Fernandez said.
Project Veritas continues to investigate the transgender surgery industry and the incentives that motivate medical professionals to sexually transition minors to a different gender.
Individuals who work within healthcare institutions and have become aware of wrongdoing are invited to contact VeritasTips@protonmail.com so that the public is informed on the issue.
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Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.