Parents pay $50K and have no say? Private School Educators Undermine Parents and Mislead Donors to Push DEI and Radical Ideologies
Key Points
Key Quotes:
“It feels like I'm subverting the Catholic church's agenda on homosexuality and that feels great.” - Rick Westerkamp, Middle School Dean, Stone Ridge Schools of the Sacred Heart, Bethesda, MD
“I tell people like, you [parents] were just the vessel to bring them [children] into this life, into this world. How they develop and grow, you might have a little bit into the shaping and mapping of it, but they are their own entity.” - Sam Davis, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator of Student Programs, Catlin Gabel, Portland, Oregon
“Some of their parents would be outraged if they found out that their kid is doing gender identity stuff. And so, we have to keep confidence and never tell the parents that this is happening.” Helga Zambrano, Humanities Teacher, The Webb Schools, Claremont, CA
“I really don’t care about the parents.” - Stephanie Bramlett, Director of Equity and Inclusion, Phillips Exeter Academy, NH
As Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives continue their steady march through every facet of American life, Project Veritas conducted an investigation into the world of private education and the educators who champion DEI – despite the concerns of parents and donors alike.

Our investigative journalists attended an event where they met teachers employed by exclusive American private schools where annual tuitions range from $31,000 to $73,000 per student.
Despite parents paying a hefty sum to send their children to be educated by these elite institutions, a common theme among the educators we recorded is how little they appear to respect the parent’s role in their child’s life.
“I really don’t care about the parents,” said Stephanie Bramlett, Director of Equity and Inclusion at Phillips Exeter Academy, a New Hampshire residential school housing over 1000 high school students whose parents pay up to $60,000 a year.
Educators also admitted to concealing from parent’s their controversial classroom lessons on sensitive topics such as gender identity and sexual expression, including transgenderism.
“Some of their parents would be outraged if they found out that their kid is doing gender identity stuff. And so, we have to keep confidence and never tell the parents that this is happening,” said Helga Zambrano, Humanities Teacher at The Webb Schools in Claremont, CA.
Rick Westerkamp, Middle School Dean of Students at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart in Maryland, told our journalist, “It feels like I'm subverting the Catholic church's agenda on homosexuality and that feels great.”
Stone Ridge School is one of 95 Catholic schools under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington DC, which upholds the traditional biblical teaching of sexuality and marriage.
Educators spoke dismissively about parents and their role in their children's lives.
Sam Davis, a biological woman who has now transitioned to male, shared her view that a parents’ role in a child’s life is simply as the “vessel” that brings them into the world.
“I tell people like, you [parents] were just the vessel to bring them [children] into this life, into this world. How they develop and grow, you might have a little bit into the shaping and mapping of it, but they are their own entity.
“I am making sure I am building a space for them [transgender students]… Parents’ feelings… not my problem.
Davis, formerly employed as DEI Coordinator at St. Stephen's Episcopal School in Austin, TX has since transitioned into a new role as Equity and Inclusion Coordinator at Catlin Gabel, a "progressive independent day school" with an annual tuition of approximately $40,000 per student.
The question remains: Do the boards, trustees, and donors of America’s most exclusive private schools stand behind the secretive musings of these educators, now revealed on Project Veritas undercover video?
Stay tuned for PART TWO.
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Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.