RESULTS: Missouri State Senator Calls for PROSECUTION of Planned Parenthood after Veritas Report
Key Points
Key Quotes:
"My understanding, having read relevant statute, is that this [abortion trafficking] is illegal activity and it's my hope the prosecutor in the area will bring charges based on the evidence, or at least will form a grand jury." - Missouri state senator, Mary Elizabeth Coleman
Missouri lawmakers had long suspected that girls were being trafficked out of state by Planned Parenthood – our undercover video provided the tangible evidence they are now using to demand accountability for the abortion giant's illegal activity.
As a result of Project Veritas reporting, state senators are now calling for the defunding and prosecution of Planned Parenthood.
On January 24th, 2024, Project Veritas provided crucial testimony about our recent Planned Parenthood investigation to the Missouri Senate.

While abortion is prohibited by state law in Missouri, this has not stopped Planned Parenthood from providing every necessity for minor girls to be transported across state lines for an abortion in neighboring Kansas.
WATCH the investigation that provoked Missouri lawmakers to call for the defunding and prosecution of Planned Parenthood.

Managing Director “Lashauna” describes the elaborate lengths the abortion giant will go to facilitate, and help conceal, abortions for minors. She describes their process of setting up hotels, arranging inter-state transport, providing doctor’s notes to the child’s school, and even paying for the abortion, as a common service they offer to minors without parental knowledge. She also references a “bypass” that is available to the minors - this bypass seems to also bypass parental knowledge.
The video also reveals the shocking ease with which an adult can facilitate a young person’s abortion, despite not being related to the child. In this investigation, the journalist poses as the older uncle of a thirteen-year-old child seeking Planned Parenthood’s assistance to terminate his niece’s pregnancy quickly and secretly. The clinic manager appears unphased by this scenario and extremely helpful.
Will Planned Parenthood be defunded and prosecuted in the state of Missouri? Stay tuned as we follow up on the results of our investigation.
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.