Militia Wing of ANTIFA Believes in Complete Abolition of the System itself, including Police
Key Points
Undercover Journalist: “And they believe in total abolition of everything, including the police, you know, Charlottesville was comprised of your typical Antifa black block measures…There were multiple chapters of Redneck Revolt that went to Charlottesville and acted as the militia wing of the anti-fascist movement.”
Redneck Revolt Members at Gun Range: “…While You're Aiming, Don't Touch the Trigger Until You're Ready to Pull the Trigger”
Paul Ditz, Former Leader of Redneck Revolt: “I Hate the NRA. The NRA is a White Supremacist Terrorist Organization, Absolutely.”
Undercover Journalist: “They see them themselves as armed revolutionaries…”
Clyde, Redneck Revolt Member: “…if an Officer of the State Came to the Door and Asked You Questions About Your Political Ideology and People You Associate With, How Would You Respond?”

[Mamaroneck, N.Y. – June 9, 2020] Project Veritas today released a third installment of the #ExposeANTIFA series, which debuted last week. In addition to secretive meetings and violent combat training, today’s footage brings to light members of an Antifa group, Redneck Revolt, practice shooting with semi-automatic weapons at a local gun range.
“Our latest video further demonstrates how dangerous Antifa is. This well-organized international organization is willing to engage in street fights and apparently prepares for armed combat. Project Veritas will not stop until we pull back the veil and find out who is empowering this very heavily-armed group,” said Project Veritas CEO and founder James O’Keefe.
President Trump recently instructed the Justice Department to label Antifa as a domestic terrorist group.
Following that announcement, Attorney General William Barr said: “There are extremist agitators who are hijacking the [George Floyd] protests to pursue their own separate and violent agenda.”
"Redneck Revolt is a heavily armed fringe organization, and the Department of Justice should consider looking into their activities," said O'Keefe.
Redneck Revolt is a heavily armed fringe organization, and the Department of Justice should consider looking into their activities.
Project Veritas will continue to update the situation with expose Antifa updates as they occur.
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.