BREAKING [VIDEO]: Project Veritas SUES CNN After Network Host Said PV’s Twitter Ban Was Result Of ‘Misinformation’ Crackdown … ‘If You Think Defaming Us is Without Consequence, Think Again’
Key Points
James O’Keefe announced today that Project Veritas has filed a lawsuit against CNN in in Atlanta, Georgia Federal Court -- over defamatory statements made on air.
CNN Anchor, Ana Cabrera, said Veritas’ suspension from Twitter was part of a “much broader crackdown… by social media giants on accounts that [were] promoting misinformation.”
Project Veritas’ Twitter account was, in fact, taken down but for supposed privacy violations according to the Big Tech giant.
Even Cabrera previously tweeted that Veritas’ ban from Twitter was the result of alleged privacy violations, proving she knew what she subsequently reported was false.
Cabrera had knowledge of Twitter’s original reasoning for banning Veritas before she went on air and acted with malice when she said the de-platforming was part of a crackdown on those “promoting misinformation.”
CNN’s own reporter, Brian Fung, followed up with Twitter and Project Veritas about the ban, and reported that the account had been banned for privacy violations.
A CNN clip, that closely resembles the Veritas video used as justification for the ban, has been allowed to remain up on Twitter’s platform.
This lawsuit comes on the heels of Veritas’ historic legal victory against The New York Times -- defeating the newspaper’s Motion to Dismiss in the New York Supreme Court.
Veritas is also suing Twitter for defamation, and expects discovery and depositions to follow, which will help uncover the truth.
[ATLANTA – Apr. 26, 2021] Project Veritas founder and CEO, James O’Keefe, announced another defamation lawsuit today – this time against cable news network CNN, for contradicting its own reporting and allowing false statements about Project Veritas to be aired.

The suit focuses mainly on the actions of anchor, Ana Cabrera, who made false claims back in February about why Project Veritas’ Twitter account had been removed from the platform.
She claimed the removal had been part of a “much broader crackdown… by social media giants on accounts that [were] promoting misinformation,” when in fact, the ban was carried out on the basis of privacy violations.
Cabrera knew what she was reporting was false. Just days earlier, Cabrera had tweeted that the ban was in fact for an alleged violation of Twitter’s privacy policies – not for misinformation as Cabrera stated.
CNN’s own Brian Fung had days earlier also reported for CNN Business that Project Veritas was banned for alleged privacy violations.

Veritas’ lawsuit against CNN states: “Cabrera was fully aware of Twitter’s basis for the Project Veritas ban, as on February 11, 2021, she tweeted that “Twitter permanently bans Project Veritas,” and that ‘the decision followed what a Twitter spokesperson described to CNN as repeated violations of Twitter’s policies prohibiting the sharing – or threats of sharing – of other people’s private information without consent.’”

Project Veritas is undefeated in court and will continue to expose the media, government, Big Tech, and any other organization that seeks to defame and destroy the reputations of hard-working and honest citizens.
If anyone has information regarding corruption inside public or private institutions -- send an encrypted message to: VeritasTips@protonmail.com.
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.