BREAKING: Project Veritas Obtains New Insider Tape Revealing Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Top Executive Heidi Swartz Prioritize Punishing Truth Seekers Over Acknowledging Secret Censorship of ‘Actually True Events or Facts’
Key Points
Heidi Swartz, Facebook VP, Deputy General Counsel, Employment Law and Investigations: “Project Veritas released a video last week alleging that they had uncovered a new effort to sensor vaccine concerns globally. It was based on leaked documents about a health integrity program that we have in place that combats vaccine hesitancy by taking a hard stance against vaccine information -- misinformation. This isn't a new effort. This is a program we've proudly spoken about publicly in our blog.”
Swartz: “They [leakers] threatened our open culture, as Mark [Zuckerberg] said, they make it harder for us to achieve our goals. They generally encourage more leaks…I know some people here feel that there are good leaks and there are bad leaks, but they're all damaging. They're not the right way to bring about change, especially at a company like this.”
Swartz: “When we find leakers, which we often do, we have zero tolerance. So that means we fire them…We're also continuing to investigate additional potential leakers, and we plan to take action there too. We're also working on continuing to ramp up our investigative techniques as our company grows.”
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO: “You know -- when people leak stuff, do we find them? I've been clear that we have a number of efforts to find people and we terminate people and pursue the recourse that we have when we identify them. In this [Project Veritas] case, we did find them.”
Zuckerberg: “We also need to be very good at rooting out people who are leaking stuff. You know, I think over the last year there've been more leaks than I think all of us would have wanted, but we also find a lot of the folks and terminate them.”
[MENLO PARK, Calif. – Jun. 4, 2021] Project Veritas released a new video today obtained from a Facebook insider showing the company’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg and a top executive by the name of Heidi Swartz discussing former Facebook employee Morgan Kahmann and the actions being taken to root out whistleblowers that come to Veritas.

Swartz, who is Facebook’s Deputy General Counsel focusing on Employment Law and Investigations, downplayed the leaked documents Project Veritas released last week claiming it was already public information.
“Project Veritas released a video last week alleging that they had uncovered a new effort to sensor vaccine concerns globally,” Swartz said. “It was based on leaked documents about a health integrity program that we have in place that combats vaccine hesitancy by taking a hard stance against vaccine information -- misinformation. This isn't a new effort. This is a program we've proudly spoken about publicly in our blog.”
Swartz’s statement is simply not true. Project Veritas showed that Facebook had secret plans to “tier” its users and was willing to censor comments that were “actually true events or facts” when it came to vaccines.
Facebook’s own internal documents showed their goal was to stop the vaccine debate, and not to stop solely “vaccine misinformation.” These crucial parts of the leaked documents were not listed publicly by Facebook, as Swartz affirmed in this video.
Swartz also struck a harsh tone when addressing Facebook’s policy towards “leakers.” She said they make it harder for the company to do what they want to do by inviting public scrutiny.
Swartz said, “They [leakers] threatened our open culture, as Mark [Zuckerberg] said, they make it harder for us to achieve our goals. They generally encourage more leaks…I know some people here feel that there are good leaks and there are bad leaks, but they're all damaging. They're not the right way to bring about change, especially at a company like this.”
She continued, “When we find leakers, which we often do, we have zero tolerance. So that means we fire them…We're also continuing to investigate additional potential leakers, and we plan to take action there too. We're also working on continuing to ramp up our investigative techniques as our company grows.”
Zuckerberg took a similar position to Swartz and criticized brave whistleblowers.
“You know -- when people leak stuff, do we find them? I've been clear that we have a number of efforts to find people and we terminate people and pursue the recourse that we have when we identify them. In this [Project Veritas] case, we did find them,” Zuckerberg said.
“We also need to be very good at rooting out people who are leaking stuff. You know, I think over the last year there've been more leaks than I think all of us would have wanted, but we also find a lot of the folks and terminate them,” he concluded.
Project Veritas encourages anyone who is witnessing corruption inside Facebook or other Big Tech companies and is willing to provide documents and/or videos, to send an encrypted message on Signal: 914-653-3110 or email VeritasTips@protonmail.com. Be Brave. Do Something.
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Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.