BREAKING: Facebook Insider Morgan Kahmann TERMINATED Effective Immediately for Leaking Internal Documents that Detailed Algorithmic Censorship of Posts Deemed ‘Vaccine Hesitant’
Key Points
Facebook Data Center Technician Morgan Kahmann was informed by his employer via Zoom call that his services were no longer needed after he came to Project Veritas and blew the whistle on Facebook’s corruption.
Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe crashed Kahmann’s Zoom meeting and demanded answers from Kahmann’s employers as to why he was being fired for telling the truth to the public. The Zoom call came to an end soon after.
Kahmann originally reached out to Project Veritas because he felt compelled to expose Facebook’s decision to hide their censorship plans from users.
Kahmann had been suspended from his job just days ago and required to turn in his equipment: "What happened was I was at work, and I got a message from my supervisor, out of the blue, basically saying 'go ahead and wrap up your area and clean up your stuff, gather your personal belongings and meet me in a meeting room in the lobby of the building.' They're basically going to have me meet with the investigative team and grill me on this whole situation."
[WESTCHESTER, N.Y. – May 28, 2021] Project Veritas released a new video today breaking the news on Facebook whistleblower Morgan Kahmann’s termination from his job at Facebook after he leaked internal “vaccine hesitancy” documents to the public.

As Kahmann’s employers were informing him of his termination in a Zoom meeting, Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe crashed the conversation and demanded to know why Kahmann was being fired for following his conscience.
The Zoom meeting organizers were caught by surprise and refused to answer any of O’Keefe’s questions. A few moments later, they ended the conference call.
Kahmann and O’Keefe discussed what motivates insiders to go public and why the internal Facebook documents leaked by Kahmann made such an impact to the point where Facebook was compelled to fire him.
This was not the first time Kahmann was targeted by Facebook. Just a few days ago, Kahmann was notified by his supervisor that he was suspended pending an investigation.
"What happened was I was at work, and I got a message from my supervisor, out of the blue, basically saying 'go ahead and wrap up your area and clean up your stuff, gather your personal belongings and meet me in a meeting room in the lobby of the building,’” Kahmann said. “They're basically going to have me meet with the investigative team and grill me on this whole situation."
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Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.