BOMBSHELL: NH Elections Official: 'I VOTED TWICE' AG Announces Prosecution After Veritas Involvement…But had File for 8 Months!
Key Points
Double Voter: "I Got In Trouble Because I Voted Twice and The Cops Found Out"
Democratic Party Chair Appointed "Helen Ashley" To Elections Inspector
Dem-Appointed 2020 Election Inspector Voted Twice, Once Under False Identification
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CONCORD, N.H – As a direct result of a Project Veritas investigation, a case of double voting in the Granite State is now being prosecuted by the state's Attorney General Gordon
MacDonald, who announced today that Vincent Marzello of West Lebanon, NH, was arrested and charged with Felony voter fraud for voting twice during the 2016 General Election.

Initially, the New Hampshire State Police investigated Marzello starting in August 2019, and then the State Police delivered the case file—which included evidence that Marzello voted twice—to Dick Tracy in the Attorney General's office in December 2019.
"Only after Project Veritas filmed Vincent Marzello, did it come to light the State Police reported the case to the AG's office nearly a year ago. It appears while simultaneously cooperating with the state Democratic Party to save face for appointing an admitted double voter, as an election inspector, the AG's office refused to prosecute until Project Veritas forced their hand by storming their office yesterday," said James O'Keefe Project Veritas Founder and CEO. "The arrest of Marzello is a direct result of a Project Veritas investigation. Why does the AG's office wait until Project Veritas investigates to act on fraudulent behavior?"
In its announcement, the state Attorney General stated:
Marzello was charged with a Class B Felony for violating RSA 659:34, I (b) for knowingly voting more than once for an office or measure for voting twice in the City of Lebanon, during the November 8, 2016 General Election, by voting once as Vincent Marzello and once as Helen Elisabeth Ashley.
In addition, a civil enforcement action was commenced against Mr. Marzello, pursuant to RSA 659:34, I (c), for applying for and obtaining a ballot in a name other than his own during the November 8, 2016 General Election, by using the name Helen Elisabeth Ashley.
This office has been in communication with the City of Lebanon's election officials regarding the allegations against Mr. Marzello.
This office also learned that the New Hampshire Democratic Party had appointed Helen Elisabeth Ashley as an Inspector of Election and by a letter, dated August 27, 2020, suspended that appointment effective immediately.
The investigation into this case was conducted by New Hampshire State Police and is being prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Chong Yen of the Election Law Unit.
The New Hampshire Democratic Party appointed the double voter, Vincent Marzello, also known as "Helen Ashley," as an election inspector for the 2020 election under his female alias.
New Hampshire State Police Trooper 1st Class James Decker told Project Veritas he investigated Marzello for double voting after Marzello attempted to secure the second photo ID required by the state's 2012 voter integrity law. The trooper specializes as a fraud inspector with an emphasis in false and stolen identities.
"…I can tell you that about little more than a year ago, I was alerted to a call where somebody was trying to fraudulently obtain a voter ID card. This person had shown up at--I believe--it was a Claremont DMV office and a voucher for a New Hampshire voter ID card. Something seemed amiss. They had, they claimed to have no other, no other ID, and seemed a little bit suspicious," the trooper said.
"The Granite State appears to be plagued with fraudulent electioneering," O'Keefe said. "Previously, Project Veritas reported a New Hampshire resident admitting to voting twice in the 2018 general election. Robert Bell, a registered Republican and Atkinson resident, cast an early voting ballot in Florida and voted in person at the polls in New Hampshire."
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