Biden has Power to End Illegal Immigration but Big Donors CONTROL Democratic Agenda, DOJ Attorney: "We're Completely Controlled from Above."
Key Points
Key Quotes from Christian Cooper, Special Assistant on Immigration Litigation U.S. Attorney's Office, Department of Justice
“I personally think Biden has the power to do that [close the Southern border]. I think the power has been delegated through him by the Immigration Nationality Act.”
“[Deportation] doesn’t fit the Democratic party platform… we’re completely controlled by the special interests above us. They have the most influence on the elected officials because they give the most money.”
President Joe Biden has the authority to close the U.S. Southern Border, but refuses to do so because he is controlled by Democrat mega donors and special interests, a Department of Justice Attorney reveals to Project Veritas.

“I personally think Biden has the power to do that [close the Southern border]. I think the power has been delegated through him by the Immigration Nationality Act. I think… Mayorkas may have the power to do that.”
Christian Cooper, a DOJ Attorney specializing in immigration litigation at the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], told a Project Veritas journalist that President Joe Biden and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas won’t end the overwhelming influx of illegal immigrants to the U.S. because Democrat mega donors and special interests control the Democrat party.
“Whoever gives the most money to the Democratic Platform” creates the Democrat party agenda, says Cooper. That agenda, he admits, means mass illegal immigration and few deportations of those who break the law to enter the United States.
Cooper goes on to say that the Biden Administration doesn’t want the bad press and optics that may come as a result of securing America’s border. “I don’t think they want that look unless it’s really necessary.”
Custom and Border Patrol [CBP] statistics estimate that there have been nearly 10 million immigrant encounters at the U.S. borders since President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas took office, with nearly 2 million illegal “got away” entries under Biden’s watch. Pew Research reports that 11 million people are currently in the U.S. illegally. While one immigration reform group says the number of illegal immigrants is actually closer to 20 million, with a net cost to Americans of over $150 billion each year.
Cooper also described a legally questionable refugee and asylum process where foreigners apply for a non-immigrant tourist visa to visit America, and then apply for asylum once in the interior of the United States.
“So you’re visiting, or you’re only going to be here [U.S.] for a certain period of time. And then they apply for asylum when that status runs out… technically their entrance was legal, even if it’s not.”
Despite exploiting this immigration loophole, Cooper tells our journalist that he’s seen a 100% approval rate for these asylum seekers. When asked how many of these individuals will face deportation, Cooper admitted, “Not many. All the ones I’ve seen so far have all been asylum approvals.”
Democrats won’t deport illegal immigrants, he reveals, because it doesn’t fit the Democratic party platform, now controlled by mega donors and special interests.
“[Deportation] doesn’t fit the party platform… we’re completely controlled by the special interests above us. They have the most influence on the elected officials because they give the most money.”
Cooper, an attorney, surprisingly tells Project Veritas that DHS Secretary Mayorkas, also an attorney, doesn’t understand that the Immigration Nationality Act gives him legal authority to protect America’s sovereignty by closing the Southern border.
“I don’t think he [Mayorkas] knows…whether it’s legal or not [to close the border]. So that’s why they don’t do it. Sometimes you got to take a chance.”
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