Anonymous - USPS, Elkins Park, PA
An anonymous postal worker from an Elkins Park, Pennsylvania Post Office reached out to Project Veritas in November of 2020 to reveal his bosses had instructed him and his colleagues that all pro-Trump mail was to be discarded while pro-Biden mail was to be labelled and sent out as first class.

In a conversation with O’Keefe, the brave Elkins Park USPS whistleblower described the political bias within the organization:
James O’Keefe: “You're a letter carrier. OK. And tell me what
your boss told you on Nov. 9.”
Elkins Park USPS whistleblower: “You were told that the only political mail that will be delivered from now on will be that of the ‘winner,’ in this case, Joe Biden. And that other political mail from other sources and senders would be put into the undeliverable bulk business mail bin or UVM.”
James O’Keefe: “What was the name of the person who said that?”
Elkins Park USPS whistleblower: “Walter Lee.”
The Elkins Park USPS whistleblower went into more detail to describe Walter Lee’s order and how the USPS should actually behave when it comes to political mail:
James O’Keefe: “Did Walter Lee tell you to keep delivering Biden mail?”
Elkins Park USPS whistleblower: “All political mail for Biden was to be continued to be treated as first-class and delivered the day it was received.”
James O’Keefe: “What happens to the undeliverable bulk business mail?”
Elkins Park USPS whistleblower: “I believe it goes back to the plant, but undeliverable bulk business mail is essentially a step away from the garbage.”
James O’Keefe: “Do you think that the United States Postal Service should be playing politics?”
Elkins Park USPS whistleblower: “No. I think that we're a delivery service and that's not really our place. It seems to me that once they decided that - there was a victory in the election. It was like, well, we're not - we're not delivering anything else, but that.”
The whistleblower also confirmed that around 30 postal workers likely heard the same order, and the whistleblower would be willing to testify under oath if it came down to it:
James O’Keefe: “Would there have been anybody else that would have overheard this?”
Elkins Park USPS whistleblower: “Yes, pretty much all in the office.”
James O’Keefe: “That was Monday of this week. And how many people work in - how many people are we talking about who overheard this?”
Elkins Park USPS whistleblower: “Well, close to 30.”
James O’Keefe: “If required, would you be willing to - if it came to it, would you testify under oath that this information is true?”
Elkins Park USPS whistleblower: “Yes, if I was required to go under oath, I would.”
James O’Keefe: “It takes a lot of courage to come forward like this and the way that you're doing it. What compelled you to do that?”
Elkins Park USPS whistleblower: “Basically, the only thing that's going to prevent a fraudulent election is people having the courage to come forward. I wouldn't want to say that I had the opportunity to do that and didn't do it.”
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